Electric Vehicles, or EVs, are an increasingly important variable for world, national, and regional oil demand. EVs, unlike internal combustion engine vehicles, are powered by a battery, with fuel sourced from the electricity grid. EV adoption could therefore reduce crude oil demand. In this article, we’ll discuss the current status of EV adoption, as well as some potential future outcomes in the auto world. We’ve analyzed the EV market systematically, so if you’d like a more comprehensive look at the EV market, drop us a line at info@enkonenergy.com.
EV adoption is mostly a California story… for now
One saw in the auto industry is that EVs will always be the automobile of tomorrow. The reasons behind this joke are comprehensible: EVs receive an amount of time and attention that is completely disproportionate to their current market influence; electric vehicle adoption has been largely confined to California; and, speaking bluntly, many folks in the automobile industry and O&G complex don’t want EVs to succeed.
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